Pest Control Earwig Q&A

Earwigs Pest Control Raleigh

Most of us can recognize an earwig when we see one, their pincers are the giveaway.  Earwigs are reddish-brown in color and are slightly over half an inch long.  Although they are somewhat creepy in appearance, they are primarily just a nuisance pest. 

Many people have questions about these pesky creatures and we’re here to help answer some of the most commonly asked questions!

Do Earwigs Really Go Inside Your Ears?

Despite their names, while an earwig could go into someone’s ear, they are highly unlikely to. They would prefer to stay away from humans and potential danger. They do, however, prefer to live in dark, damp, and quiet spaces.

Where do Earwigs Live?

As stated in the last question, both young and adult earwigs require moisture and darkness to live. They are more active at night, but during the day, they usually find shelter beneath stones, boards, and debris, inside flowers, around foundations, and in mulch, leaf piles, and compost. They especially like to eat damp decaying foliage, roots, and green leaves.

Where do Earwigs Lay Eggs?

Earwigs lay their eggs in the same places that they like to hide in the daytime, mostly in dark, damp places like inside flowers, under rocks, compost, and mulch. They live for about one year and lay their eggs in autumn or winter.

What Attracts Earwigs To Your House?

Although earwigs are primarily found outdoors, they have been known to live inside buildings and homes. The points of entry include windows, doors, and holes or cracks in buildings. They’re also often brought in on potted plants, shoes, and anything you may bring in from outside.

Are Earwigs Harmful to Humans?

Despite their large and alarming forceps, they don’t usually bite or pinch. If a rare bite or pinch does happen the most it can do is leave a red bump. These creepy crawlers would rather stay away from you though.

How Do I Prevent Earwigs?

  • Remove trash and debris from around your home
  • Keep compost and dead leaves at least 6-12 inches from your home
  • Don’t leave out food or food containers.
  • Keep your sink and dishes clean and dry.
  • Fix/clean water leaks and excess moisture immediately.
  • Close off any cracks or areas where the creepy crawlers might be able to enter.
  • Use pest traps and/or earwig deterrents like vinegar and diatomaceous earth.
  • Seek professional help if you have an infestation.

Are Earwigs Hard To Get Rid Of?

While earwigs are not particularly hard to get rid of their populations can grow quickly, which is why it’s better to prevent a potential problem before it happens. If you end up with an infestation it’s best to call a professional pest control service to help you get rid of the problem. Give us a call at (919) 231-3292 or fill out the form below!

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