There’s no question that bees and wasps play an important role in our ecosystem from pollinating crops to pest control, but they are also invasive and can even be dangerous. Paper wasps and yellow jackets are especially troublesome because not only are they aggressive, they can build nests in difficult to see and reach areas and their hives grow rapidly. Don’t wait until a nest is out of control and dangerous, contact us for wasp control services as soon as possible!

Why Work with a Professional Bee & Wasp Control Company?
While the occasional bumblebee or honeybee in your garden is nothing to be concerned with generally, seeing wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets is a sign there’s a nest near by. Stings from these insects are not only painful, they’re very dangerous and often aren’t isolated incidents. Trying to take down a nest or get rid of a hive could lead to serious injury.
At Stomp Pest Control, we provide comprehensive, in-depth wasp extermination services as well as on-going pest control to keep them from coming back. Because bees and other stinging insects have different types of habitats and behavior patterns, our extermination methods are tailored to your infestation problem.
Common Wasps and Bees in Apex
Paper Wasps
- How big are paper wasps? The size of paper wasps range from 5/8-3/4 inches long (16-20 mm)
- What is the scientific name of paper wasps? Polistes spp
- Brownish in color with yellow or reddish markings
- Equipped with 6 legs and 2 antennas
- Oval-shaped with long legs
- Often referred to as umbrella wasps
- Tend to live in small and personalized colonies
- Considered to be social compared to other wasp breeds
- Known to feed off of nectar and other insects including flies, caterpillars, and ants
- Females are known to migrate inside during cold months after inseminated
- Strategically place nests in trees, porch crevasses, on top of windows and doorframes, deck railings and floor joints, and even in gutters
- Have been known to sting if they’re disturbed or if their nest is threatened
- Stings are known to be painful and also inflict allergic reactions
- Can be controlled and somewhat prevented by meticulously maintaining landscaping, walkways, railings, porches, and trees (if possible)
- How big are yellowjackets? Between 3/8-5/8 of an inch long
- What is the scientific name of yellowjackets? Vespula spp.
- Black with yellow-striped patterns throughout
- Equipped with 6 legs and an antenna
- Found throughout the United States
- Oval-shaped with relatively short legs
- Live in large-sized colonies that consist of up to 4,000 worker bees
- Most active and bothersome during the late months of summer and early autumn, as their colonies are at their peak during those times
- Known to feed exclusively on sweet plants and vegetables and protein-rich plants
- Consume protein in their larval stage, unlike other similar insects
- Can be found essentially anywhere humans can be found, meaning it’s difficult to predict where they’ll end up building a nest
- Nests are built out of chewed up cellulose and can often be found in high-up crevasses and holes in the ground
- Will sting if threatened, which is an issue because they feel threatened extremely easily
- Considered social insects that are not afraid of humans
- Led by a queen bee, whom lives over the wintertime and initiates a new colony each spring
- Pose a significant health risk to humans, as they’re known to sting numerous times as opposed to only one time
- Send approximately 525,000 humans to the emergency room each year in the United States alone, which is astronomically high
- Can be controlled and even prevented by managing garbage cans closely (ensure they’re cleaned regularly and not left untouched for extended amounts of time), and avoid strong-smelling perfumes in late summer and early autumn seasons
Bumble Bees
- How big are bumble bees? The sized of fully-grown bumble bees are usually 1 full inch long
- What is the scientific name of bumble bees? Subfamily bombinae; bombus species
- Yellow and black fuzz-like in appearance
- Equipped with 6 legs and antennas
- Oval-shaped and considered to be stubby looking as opposed to long and thin like other similar insects
- Found throughout the United States
- Notorious for building nests in the ground, near patio areas, and near the top of attics
- Can be spotted thanks to the obnoxious buzzing sound they make when flying
- Known to defend their nests very aggressively and will chase intruders or those who make them feel threatened for significant distances
- Have a very painful sting and can sting more than once, unlike other types of similar insects
- Can be controlled and potentially prevented by properly maintaining your home’s lawn and ensuring it has no holes
Carpenter Bees
- How big are carpenter bees? Typically between 1/4-1-inch long
- What is the scientific name of carpenter bees? Xylocopa species
- Yellowish-brownish and black in color with a fuzzy appearance, lacking markings on their abdomens
- Equipped with 6 legs and antennas
- Robust and oval-shaped with short-sized legs
- 7 different species of carpenter bees throughout the United States and a few hundred worldwide
- Notorious for boring round holes into soft wood, usually about 1/2 inch in diameter
- Are carpenter bees dangerous? Yes, though only female carpenter bees are able to sting
- Do carpenter bees live in colonies? No, carpenter bees are considered solitary bees and do not work or live in colonies like other similar insects do
- Can be controlled and monitored by regularly observing any wood in or around your home or property
Bald Faced Hornets
How big are bald-faced hornets? Generally, between 1/2-5/8 inches, Queen bald-faced hornets are typically around 3/4 of an inch
- What is the scientific name of bald-faced hornets? Dolichovespula maculata
- Mostly black in color with a handful of white spots on body and face
- Equipped with 6 legs and antennas
- Long and thin in shape
- Can be found throughout the United States
- Known for being fast-moving and aggressive
- Build large paper-like, enclosed nests in trees that have been known to grow larger than a basketball over a month or two
- Can be controlled and possibly regulated by keeping a close eye on any potential paper-like nest forming in a tree around your home
- What do bald-faced hornets eat? Primarily flower nectar or juices. As members of the Vespidae family, they’ve also been known to live off of protein by eating other insects or small animals.
- How do bald-faced hornets reproduce? Queen bald-faced hornets lay numerous eggs inside her colonies nest which eventually hatch into larvae
- Do bald-faced hornets hibernate? Queen bald-faced hornets hibernate, usually inside a home owner’s shed or garage
Contact Us for Bee and Wasp Extermination in Apex
Whether you have an allergy, or simply want to enjoy the outdoors without fear of injury, reach out to Stomp Pest Control today. We offer comprehensive insect and pest control service in Apex for homeowners and businesses and will work with you to not only eradicate current pests, we’ll prevent them from coming back. To schedule an appointment or learn more about our pest control packages, call Stomp Pest Control today at (919) 231-3292 or fill out the form below.